Jasmine Furelid
So here I am on my balcony reflecting on what we call life... I'm happy and in a very good place spiritually at the moment but when it comes to my life as a entrepreneur my journey so far been slow, long and several obstacles along the way in almost everything I do or when I create something. But I must also mention that it's been a big lesson and pretty magical at the same time.
“It takes a strong (almost a superhero), independent and a very driven person to have their own business...”
I know that people say (also what I say to others, and what my first blogpost is about haha) "It is not suppose to be easy cause in that case everyone would do it!". It takes a strong (almost a superhero), independent and a very driven person to have their own business and especially when it's only you and you trying to juggle two part-time jobs AND your business at the same time.
Each and every day I sit here thinking: shall I just get a fulltime job, get a fancy paycheck every month, do the routines everyone doing and live my life calm, and with all these things society wants you to do...? But then I stop myself and just say heeeell no! Jazzy, that is not what you want nor what you suppose to do either and I try to snap out of it... But I do have this thought at least once a week. One part of me wants the stable and comfy life whilst my soul is urging just to work for myself, be free and to create things. Oh the dilemma right!
“I decided to keep on going but it’s hard... It is hard when everything going against you when all you want to do is to have a feeling of that things are moving forward.”
So what do you do when this occurs, because as a entrepreneur it will probably pop up at least one or even millions and trillions of times! I decided to keep on going but it's hard... It is hard when everything going against you when all you want to do is to have a feeling of that things are moving forward. I do believe that we are ment to be going through certain things to be ready for the next step though and if it wasn't for the first step we wouldn't be where we at in this moment.
I sometimes forget to enjoy the journey and it's easy to get in to the wheel of what society wants you to do aswell. I know that I am amongst so many talented entrepreneurs and I want to know what you are doing or saying to yourself when you almost feel like it is no point to continue ? I want to hear your story and your journey and how you overcome obstacles along the way, what triggers you to keep going? What's your mindset like? Who do you turn to?
This is a reminder for you to keep going but also to myself that I can't give up...
Thank you all of those that inspires me on a daily basis and support me as a friend, entrepreneur and that brings me good energies. For that I am forever grateful xx