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28 Hägervägen
Enskede, Stockholms län, 122 39

076-281 33 86

fe:male store is a Cool Colourful Raw Femininity Unisex Fashion & Accessories store with a touch of inspiration from Korean streetstyle. For people that likes it different and not afraid to stand out from the crowd.

fe:male store blog

fe:male store blog is where you find the latest updates about fashion, new products and creativity and also the process of building a brand as an entrepreneur and what obstacles you can come across. Join our community!

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Jasmine Furelid

Images by Agenda The Visual Marvelist at

And we did it again! Working with Agenda is always a pleasure. This was my leaving present after 9 years in London. My journey began with Agenda taking my first professional photograph ( see our journey in pictures HERE! ) and he also ended an era in my life by creating the most beautiful photographs, catching my soul in four amazing pictures.

Im grateful to have met such a talented and great human being.  Im sure we will do more shoots in the future, until then enjoy these for now... :) 


Thank you Agenda!