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28 Hägervägen
Enskede, Stockholms län, 122 39

076-281 33 86

fe:male store is a Cool Colourful Raw Femininity Unisex Fashion & Accessories store with a touch of inspiration from Korean streetstyle. For people that likes it different and not afraid to stand out from the crowd.

fe:male store blog

fe:male store blog is where you find the latest updates about fashion, new products and creativity and also the process of building a brand as an entrepreneur and what obstacles you can come across. Join our community!



Jasmine Furelid

As probably a few of you know, Quincey Williams sadly passed away a couple of months ago. I was in shock, I was in tears and I was absolutely devistated...

Me and Q go way back even though we never really kept in contact like that. We were both in the creative industry and could relate to our work in a lot of ways. I got to know Q from him poppin into Size? when I use to work there and always thought he was a all in all a nice and genuine dude. 

I always looked up to Q in the way he actually created what he wanted, followed his dreams without doubts and actually did s**t and didnt just talk s**t like a lot of people do and especially in London! As a creative I am pretty tired of always hear people say "yeah I know this and this person" and "I can hook you up with..." and they never go through with it?! It's like they trying to be someone they not to get "accepted". I learnt my lesson and now a days I believe things when I see it. But Q kept it so real, different and always supportive which I find very inspiring and refreshing now a days cause they are hard to come across. He was a nice, caring and 100% real human being and that breed is pretty much non existent these days.

Things like this is a wakeup call, makes you reflect even more about your own life, your career and most of all whats important in life. Make sure you get them prioritise right cause even how much of a cliché it is, life is too short and it can quickly just change!

I wanna thank you Q for all the support and inspiring things you did without even knowing... I wish I could of share more moments with you but also glad for the moments we had when you were here. You giving me the inspiration to continue my dreams and keep pushing and for that I will always be grateful.

Big up to the Stooki Crew for being strong, keep smiling and keep it going!


Daniel Spencer wrote this poem for Q and also made this song to make it special, I loved it so much I had to share it.... Thank you.


Quincey Williams - R I P 

Back in 2013 at the Redbull Party at Notting Hill Carnival, Q loved to get turnt uuup and daaance! Such a good day, I think of it and smile. Them angels better take good care of you Q or otherwise I kick their ass! I see you up there homie <3


Jasmine Furelid

STÖÖKI THE CRAFTMAKERS asked me to feature on their blog and how could I say no to this stylish and clean jewellery brand. Always coming up with dope designs and you know me, I LOVE MY GOLD! So how can you not love STÖÖKI. My feature will be out very soon so keep an eye out!