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28 Hägervägen
Enskede, Stockholms län, 122 39

076-281 33 86

fe:male store is a Cool Colourful Raw Femininity Unisex Fashion & Accessories store with a touch of inspiration from Korean streetstyle. For people that likes it different and not afraid to stand out from the crowd.

fe:male store blog

fe:male store blog is where you find the latest updates about fashion, new products and creativity and also the process of building a brand as an entrepreneur and what obstacles you can come across. Join our community!

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Jasmine Furelid

                                           Photography: Joshua Brathwaite

                                           Photography: Joshua Brathwaite

So here I am, in my flat...In Stockholm, Sweden. I did it! Can you believe after 9 years in London I moved back to my hometown and I can tell you it went really quick. I resigned, I packed my bags and I just left. I left a life I built for 9 years, from my 20s to my 30s. One of the most important eras in your life where you also develop the most as a person, mentally and spiritually. I left the best years in my life behind. Or... not behind, more like memories that I will cherish forever. Sometimes I think about it and smile and sometimes I think about it and miss it dearly.

Moving countries can be hard and difficult and also cost you a bit of money, especially if you don't know when you will have a job next. Without any savings I decided to leave, call me stupid but I did what my heart told me...

After 1 1/2 week I actually manage to get a job believe it or not. A massive relief! I'm now working as a sales assistant/visual merchandiser in central Stockholm. At least now I have an income and workmates I like, good vibes only! And that is so important to me. As my brother said, everything will be ok in the end and he was right. Now I just have to sort out every other little thing and then hopefully everything will work itself out. And for this reason I want to apologise, apologise for being absent.

I'm also trying to find a focus in what I do. It is very hard since I want to do so much but I cant do everything all at once. How can you be here but at the same time you are somewhere else...?  Apologise for my absent but my head exploding with new things, new adventures and new emotions...

Thank you for still supporting even though my absent. I appreciate your presence from the bottom of my heart and soon I will be back to normal...

I'm sorry, work in progress... 



Jasmine Furelid

And here we are again...Another year, flying by like crazy... Always makes me think, analyse over the year and feel I am very blessed to even be alive. But its also very scary, everything goes so quick and sometimes you forget what to prioritise. We are so up in our lifes and having our comfortable routines that you forget whats important...

One of the biggest things this year was probably me taking a risk quitting my day job and went for a Design Competition for a Reality TV Show filmed in The Philippines. This is one of my biggest "YOLO" moments ever! I'm the sensible organised one that never do crazy things like that. I loved the experience but not necessarily the TV bit of it. But hey I tried and it was a 2 1/2 weeks of joy and met some amazing people. But this made me realise that I need more of these moments, I basically shat my pants when I did this but I DID IT! Self growth is very important and not getting out of your comfort zone you will never grow as a individual. I struggled when I got back without a job and a double rent to pay but look at me, here I am with two part time jobs I like and doing my own creative things and still trying to push for better things. I am so grateful for what I have but also I am still struggling with certain things ( that have to be another post haha )

I want to thank all the people that has been a part of my year and my journey, even the people I did cut off for various reasons. I learnt from every situation and person for good or bad. But I wanna say big up to the people that made me smile and laugh in tuff situations. Without you I would never be able to get through anything, THANK YOU! You know who you are...

2014 we had a love & hate relationship and I now welcome 2015 in my life, bring it on!

Sooo a few things that happen this year:

  • I cut a fringe, very risky but I like it!
  • I was one of the contestants for FashionOne's Design Genius
  • Cut certain people off that showed no effort being in my life
  • Lost a very special friend, made me realise how small some things are
  • Tried to smile as much as possible
  • Released some new material
  • I'm now an auntie for another beautiful little girl
  • My Kimonos are now in process of being manufactured 
  • I redesigned this beautiful website for you guys
  • So much more probably did happen but this is how I sum it up...

|| 2014 ||

Jasmine Furelid


And 2013 finally came to an end... Its been a year of ups and downs, lefts and rights. I loved, I been heartbroken. I worked hard, I played hard. Tried to find inner piece but also being crazy at times. I never thought about life as much as I did this year in both good and bad ways. 2013 treated me good in general but I also realised Im alive so I should be blessed. So to sum it up I AM BLESSED! 2013 Im thankful for what you gave me and the amazing people I met this year....

I want to take the opportunity to thank everyone that supported me, friends and followers. Your support and love means a lot and appreciate it with all my heart. Cause lets be honest, where would I be without you...? 

I learnt that pleasing everybody never going to happen. There will always be people hating, so let them hate and dont let it stress you out. You need to do you and the rest will follow. Trust yourself, love yourself and be united with your soul. Be free & be yourself!

Im so thankful for 2013 but im looking forward to what 2014 got in mind for me. Bring it on, Im so ready...

L o v e  Y o u  A l l ! ! 

Xxx Jasmine xxX